Students should arrive at the school in time. Late comers will not be allowed.
School Diary should be brought to the school daily. It should be used to note down the daily homework and other instructions given by teachers. In case the diary is lost, a new diary will have to be purchased by paying Rs. 50/-.
When students move along the corridors or when they come down the stairs they must walk in perfect silence and in single file.
No student is allowed to remain in the classroom or in the corridors during recess or games period. Once on the ground, nobody may return to the classroom without special permission of the coordinators or the Class Teacher.
All children are expected to take part in club activities.
Students should take an honest pride in keeping the school premises clean. Great care must be taken not to litter the campus with lunch scraps, fruit peel, scrap paper, toffee wrappers, polythene bags, etc. They should use the bins specially provided for the purpose.
It is advisable not to bring valuables/ money to the school.
Students who come to school in the care of servants should never leave before the servants arrive to take them home.
A student should never enter the school premises without wearing the prescribed school uniform.
Children must abide by the norms of discipline and good behaviour. They should greet the teachers and elders and behave with decorum in the school and at other public places. They should refrain from using harsh/foul language.
No child is allowed to carry a mobile. If found so, he will have to pay a penalty of Rs 1000/-. In case of emergency the school phone may be used.
As a rule, children will not be permitted to leave the school to attend any social function during school hours. However in case of an emergency, a written application should be submitted by the parents with the Principal.
Care must be taken of the school property. Any damage done or noticed should be reported at once, even if it is caused by accident the damage has to be compensated in cash/kind.
Breaking of school rules is liable to bring dismissal.
Your ward’s attendance should not be less than 75 % and 60 % with medical certificate.
In case of sickness, information (in writing) should be given to Principal within two days and medical certificate when the child comes back.
It is compulsory to appear and pass in both pre-board examinations in order to get the admit card.
All the PTMs must be attended by parents or the guardian whose name has been mentioned in admission form.
Fee must be deposited strictly as per schedule mentioned in the fee book.
Students must reach school on time or presence will not be marked in the first meeting.
Absence in school will be intimated to parents through SMS also hence they must give correct contact no. and address and intimate the school if it changes.
If any student is absent continuously for 10 working days without intimation his name will be struck off even if fee has been deposited by him.